Searching for the yummiest snack to appease all your food cravings? Try Combo of Veg Spring Rolls and Exotic Veg Momos

 Let's talk about all the instances where Handi came in handy! Be it serving the evening snacks or attending to the surprise guests you really got surprised with, Handi got your back! All you got to do is toss the snack right from the packet to a sizzling pan, serve hot, and Viola! You just made yourself an authentic meal worth drooling over!

To start with, you need to pick a snack that you are really fond of. How about some authentic Chinese in combination with Thai restaurant food? Couldn't resist that one could we? Bring home the packet of Exotic Veg Momos and Veg Spring rolls and experience a mouth-watering meal anytime you like! The Combo of Veg Spring Rolls, Exotic Veg Momos is something that never lets you down and can be prepared in minutes without breaking a sweat!

If you are a resident of Delhi, you just got lucky! All you need to do is order the Combo of Veg Spring Rolls, Exotic Veg Momos online and have it delivered to your doorstep within 24 hours. Give it a place in your refrigerator, and once you fry and steam it just right, it takes a permanent spot in your heart!

Now to talk about the preparation, even if you are not really good with cooking, it is something that anyone and everyone can be a pro at! all you have to do is maintain the right temperature, heat the cooking oil and see to it that it is cooked just right. It takes lesser than five minutes and once prepared, you can proudly serve to wear your chef hat. 

For the Exotic Veg Momos, you can either steam or fry it to perfection. For fried momos and veg spring rolls, all you need to do is preheat the oil to 170 degrees and fry them directly in the pan. It takes about 3-4 minutes to turn golden brown and goes perfectly with hot and sweet chutney.

If you are more of an authentic steamed momo fan, all you need to do is grease the steamer with cooking oil and let the boiler heat for about 8 minutes. Take the momos out and serve with your favourite chutney.

So are you ready to taste your Combo of Veg Spring Rolls, Exotic Veg Momos? Order now!
